XRef, or alternative, for Frost

Hi guys,

We have situations where we need to blend Frost and Krakatoa (big water), and we do have ways to do that, but it requires having the Frost object in the Krakatoa scene. Would be great if that can be XReffed, so it points to the original Frost scene, and we can use that for our Magma goodness.


You could always XMesh your frost and then you can multi-reference that into other files Hristo.

Yeah sometimes I do that, but it’s the live link - when frost changes, it needs to be reached.

Thank you for your report! Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce this problem.

Would it be possible for you to please send us a pair of scene files that reproduces this problem? You can send us files by using our ticket system. You’ll probably need to ZIP the files to get them through.


I am looking for more information about this matter myself. Is there any news about Xref Frost?


Last time I tried this, Xrefs worked fine for me.

If you’re having trouble, could you please send us a pair of scene files that reproduce the problem? You can send us files by using our ticket system. You’ll probably need to ZIP the files to get them through.