XSI 6.5

0: STDOUT: License warning: feature [XSI Batch Win] not available

0: STDOUT: License information: using [XSI Batch All]

0: STDOUT: COMMAND: -render “c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\Scene_01_001.scn” -frames 1,1,1 -pass “QUESTION” -output_dir “\ws08\D\Production\41_EXPERT\Render_Pictures\Quest” -skip False -mb False -script “c:\deadline\slave\plugins\AdditionalRenderOptions.vbs” -main SetAdditionalRenderOptions -args -verbose 60 -width “720” -height “576” -sampleMin “0” -sampleMax “3” -sampleFilter “gauss” -sampleJitter “True” -outputPrefix “” -xMin “” -yMin “” -xMax “” -yMax “”

0: STDOUT: >Loading: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\Scene_01_001.scn…

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : 4034 - Loaded scene was created with build number: 6.5.2007.0829 - compatibility version: 600

0: STDOUT: OpenScene “c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\Scene_01_001.scn”, False, True

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Rendering passes: Passes.QUESTION

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Rendering frames 1 to 1 with a frame step of 1

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Setting the output directory to ‘\ws08\D\Production\41_EXPERT\Render_Pictures\Quest’

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Motion blur disabled.

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Overwrite rendered frames.

0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.List..mentalray.VerbosityLevel", “60”

0: STDOUT: SetValue "Passes.List.
.ImageWidth”, “720”

0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.RenderOptions.ImageWidth”, “720”

0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.List..ImageHeight", “576”

0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.RenderOptions.ImageHeight”, “576”

0: STDOUT: SetValue "Passes.List.
.mentalray.SamplesMin”, “0”

0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.List..mentalray.SamplesMax", “3”

0: STDOUT: SetValue "Passes.List.
.mentalray.SamplesFilterType”, 2

0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.List.*.mentalray.SamplesJitter”, “True”

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Rendering pass ‘QUESTION’…

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Rendering frame 1 (0.0% done)

0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Render completed (100% done)

0: STDOUT: PHEN 1.0 fatal 051500: interrupted by exception code 0xc0000005 (access violation)

0: STDOUT: RenderPasses “Passes.QUESTION”

0: STDOUT: MSG 0.n fatal 011510: SLAVE 1 DIED

How I can remove the problem to submit my render job!

Hi there,

The renderer is complaining that it was interrupted by an access

violation, which usually means the renderer ran out of memory, or it

touched some memory it shouldn’t have. Because of this, my gut feeling

that this is either a problem with the scene file or with XSI itself. To

determine this, open a command prompt on one of your render nodes that

is reporting this error, try running this command (which is similar to

the one Deadline is using, except for the extra script arguments):

xsibatch.bat -render “c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\Scene_01_001.scn”

-frames 1,1,1 -pass “QUESTION” -output_dir

"\ws08\D\Production\41_EXPERT\Render_Pictures\Quest" -skip False -mb False

Note that you need to copy the scene file to

“c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\Scene_01_001.scn” for this to work, or you

can change the patch in the command above as necessary. If you still get

the same error message, then the problem isn’t Deadline related, and it

would be best to contact the XSI support team. Let us know how the test

