Hi there,
is there a timeframe for an updated XSIPlugin, which supports xsi 6?
At the moment deadline (free mode) seems to work with xsi 6 if youre not using satellite rendering. With satellite rendering, the client renders and saves the image but returns an error, causing the frame to be requeued.
Also the submitscript from within xsi doesn´t work.
thanks for any information
Hi Achim,
We’re currently in the process of adding support for XSI 6, so a patch
should be available on our website in the near-term.
When using satellite rendering, what error message are you getting?
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Hi Ryan,
this is the error log with satellite rendering:
Error Message
Exception during render: Renderer returned non-zero error code, -1073741819
Slave Log
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : 4034 - Loaded scene was created with build number: 6.0.2006.1218 - compatibility version: 600
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : siOnEndSceneOpenEvent_OnEvent called
0: STDOUT: OpenScene “P:/1_3D/XSI/Diverse/Scenes/glastest.scn”, False, True
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : no -pass defined, using current pass: Default_Pass
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameStep’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step”, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameStart’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame”, 2
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameEnd’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame”, 2
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Starting rendering…
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Rendering Passes.Default_Pass
0: STDOUT: SetCurrentPass “Passes.Default_Pass”
0: STDOUT: SetValue “PlayControl.Current”, 1
0: STDOUT: SetValue “PlayControl.Current”, 2
0: STDOUT: Rendering pass ‘Default_Pass’…
0: STDOUT: Rendering frame 2 (0.0% done)
0: STDOUT: Rendering completed (100% done)
0: INFO: Process return code: -1073741819
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw an error:
Scheduler Thread - Exception during render: Renderer returned non-zero error code, -1073741819
Error Type
Error Stack Trace
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTasks(Int32 startTask, Int32 endTask)
at Deadline.Plugins.PluginLoader.RenderTask(Int32 task)
at Deadline.Plugins.Plugin.RenderTask(Int32 frame)
at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.RenderCurrentTask()
when i turn off all satellites everything seem fine.
Check out this thread:
It provides a workaround for the problem. You’ll notice that the
original post was about after effects, but the solution worked for xsi
as well. We’re not sure why this error occurs with satellite rendering,
but we’re going to see if we can reproduce the problem and find a
less-hackish solution for fixing it.
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Thanks Ryan, that works!
(when i removed the line wrapping from the copied code at last )
Cheers Achim
I’m trying to use deadline 2.6 with XSI 6.0 and the scene uploader pluging for XSI 6.0 returns an error.
Is there anyway to make it work or it’s impossible to distribute scene under network without new XSI 6.0 plug-in?
Hi there,
I’ve attached our current beta version of the new XSI plugin which
supports XSI 6. We had to make some considerable changes to the
submission script, so if you find any problems with it, please let us know.
To install the new plugin, unzip the plugin file and to the following
(note that it might be a good idea to backup any files you will be
writing over):
- Copy the contents of the plugin folder to \your\repository\plugins\XSI
- Copy the contents of the submission folder to
- Copy the contents of the monitor folder to
- In the Deadline Monitor, enter Super User mode (Tools -> Super User),
then select Tools -> Configure Plugins and select the XSI plugin from
the list on the left. Make sure the paths to the xsibatch.bat files are
correct for the versions of XSI you plan on using.
- If you haven’t already done so, install the proxy submission script
for XSI on your workstation(s) by following the steps here:
Remember, this plugin is still in beta, but it has been tested by us and
another client and seems to work quite well.
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Waiting for submission scrip for XSI 6.0
Does new submission script for XSI 6.0 will support render channels output?
Does submission script from monitor support pass output and there output paths from scene file?
Everything rendering in the default installation of XSI 6.0…
Is there anyway to direct render into specific pass folder that is directed by scenes path file?
The submission script is included with the zip file I attached (the
proxy submission script which I mention is already in the repository
when you installed it).
Render channel output should work. By default, Deadline leaves all the
output saving up to XSI, so the output should be saved wherever you
choose it to be in the XSI render settings. For the Pass output, you
should be able to direct that wherever you wish in the XSI render
settings as well. By default, it probably saves to XSI installation
folder, but you should be able to change it in the render settings
before submitting the job.
- Ryan
Ryan Russell
Frantic Films Software
Ok… I now…
My preferences in render settings for the images output is ok…
But the images still going to render into my default XSI installation directory…
When I manual define the path for output in submission script in deadline monitor it’s ask for a prefix, when the prefix was defined, the render is ouput everything in one sequence and overwrite one render pass by another. So, for an example: there are 2 passes beauty and AO and in output I have only last pass that was defined!
With XSI 5.0 I use XSItoDeadline script, but now it doesn’t work with XSI 6.0, is there something that can solve my problem with submission deadline monitor script?
Can you post one or two logs from an XSI job that saves the output to the default installation directory? You can get the logs by right-clicking on a job in the Monitor and selecting Job Reports -> View Log Reports.
What problems are you running into when you try to submit you job from the Monitor? If you're getting an error message, can you post it? Also, do you have any problems submitting from within XSI, or is that working fine?
- Ryan
Yes - there is a problem with the script SubmitXSIToDeadline.vbs. When I try to submit a job to the deadline XSI 6.0 return in the script editor this: “’ ERROR : Type mismatch: ‘GetDeadlineArray’ - [line 0 in C:\Softimage\XSI_6.0\Application\Plugins\SubmitXSIToDeadline.vbs]
’ ERROR : 2006-SubmitToDeadline - Unexpected failure.
And this is the job log from the monitor:
BEGIN - 2007-02-18 15-52-27 - CRION\ProXell
---- February 18 2007 – 03:52 PM ----
0: Loaded job: new (00o_050_o_1418c12c)
0: INFO: Script plugin for Deadline 2.6.25701, built Jan 29 2007 12:07:22 R
0: INFO: >> Softimage XSI Plugin for Deadline, 2004-08-24
0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00o_050_o_1418c12c.job
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1
0: INFO: Rendering with XSI version 6
0: INFO: Not enforcing a build of XSI
0: INFO: Executable: “c:\softimage\xsi_6.0\application\bin\xsibatch.bat”
0: INFO: Arguments: " -r -scene “c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\test.scn” -pass “all” -startframe 1 -endframe 1 -step 1 "
0: INFO: StartupDir: “c:\softimage\xsi_6.0\application\bin”
0: INFO: UseJobObject: true
0: INFO: HideDosWindow: true
0: STDOUT: ==================================================
0: STDOUT: SOFTIMAGE® | XSI® Batch Version 6.0.2006.1218
0: STDOUT: Copyright© 1998-2006 Avid Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
0: STDOUT: ==================================================
0: STDOUT: License warning: feature [XSI Batch Win] not available
0: STDOUT: License information: using [XSI Batch All]
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : XSI2Indigo has been loaded.
0: STDOUT: COMMAND: -r -scene “c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\test.scn” -pass “all” -startframe 1 -endframe 1 -step 1
0: STDOUT: >Loading: c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/test.scn…
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : 4034 - Loaded scene was created with build number: 6.0.2006.1218 - compatibility version: 600
0: STDOUT: OpenScene “c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/test.scn”, False, True
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameStep’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step”, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameStart’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame”, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameEnd’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame”, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Starting rendering…
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Rendering Passes.Default_Pass
0: STDOUT: SetCurrentPass “Passes.Default_Pass”
0: STDOUT: SetValue “PlayControl.Current”, 1
0: STDOUT: SetValue “PlayControl.Current”, 1
0: STDOUT: Rendering pass ‘Default_Pass’…
0: STDOUT: Rendering frame 1 (0.0% done)
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : LINK 0.2 progr: module #2 (C:\Softimage\XSI_6.0\Application\bin/nt-x86/sibase.dll) loaded
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : LINK 0.2 progr: module #3 (C:\Softimage\XSI_6.0\Application\bin/nt-x86/legacy.dll) loaded
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : MEM 0.3 info : heap size limit set to 1000 MB
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : SCEN 0.3 progr: begin scene preprocessing for frame 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : SCEN 0.3 info : 2 geometry leaf instances (2 scheduled, 0 cached, 0 shared)
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : SCEN 0.3 info : 1 light leaf instance
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : SCEN 0.3 info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for scene preprocessing
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : SCEN 0.3 info : allocated 2 MB, max resident 2 MB
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : MEM 0.3 info : heap size limit set to 1000 MB
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCB 0.3 info : scene extent: (-22.01,-0.34,-22.01) : (22.01,8.46,22.79)
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCB 0.3 info : scene diameter: 63.415682
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: scanline on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: trace on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: trace depth reflection 1, refraction 1, sum 2
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: acceleration bsp
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: bsp size 10
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: bsp depth 45
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: shadow segments
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: shadow maps (use) (recompute)
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: lightmap on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: motion off
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: luminance weights 0.212671 0.71516 0.072169
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: caustic off
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: globillum off
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: finalgather off
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: samples min -1, max 2
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: contrast 0.085 0.085 0.085 0.085, all buffers
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: filter mitchell 3 3
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: render space object
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: face both
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: field off
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: hair on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: hardware off
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: task size 64
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: pixel preview off
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: lens on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: volume on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: geometry on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: displace on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: premultiply on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: colorclip rgb
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: output on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: merge on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: virtual framebuf on
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : option: image type interpolate
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : 0 rgba yes
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : camera: focal length 35
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : camera: aperture 35.3887
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : camera: aspect 1.33333
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : camera: resolution 720 576
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : camera: clip 0.1 32768
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : camera: frame 1 0.04 0
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 progr: rendering
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 progr: begin intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : using scanline for eye rays
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : using BSP algorithm for secondary rays
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 progr: building initial extent bsp-tree
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : leaves without shadow : 0
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : leaves with only shadow : 0
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : leaves with both : 2
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 progr: end intersection preprocessing
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : wallclock 0:00:00.00 for intersection prep.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : allocated 3 MB, max resident 4 MB
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.6 progr: computing camera volumes
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : rendering statistics
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : type number per eye ray
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : eye rays 152680 1.00
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : shadow rays 67915 0.44
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : PHEN 0.3 progr: calling output shaders
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : PHEN 0.3 progr: writing image file C:\Softimage\XSI_6.0\Data\XSI_SAMPLES\Render_Pictures\deadline\Default_Pass_Main.pic (frame 1)
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 progr: rendering finished
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : wallclock 0:00:00.96 for rendering
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 info : allocated 4 MB, max resident 6 MB
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : GAPM 0.3 info : triangle count excluding retessellation : 0
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : GAPM 0.3 info : triangle count including retessellation : 0
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : MEM 0.3 info : heap size limit set to 1000 MB
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : MEM 0.3 info : heap size limit set to 1000 MB
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : main bsp tree statistics:
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : max depth : 45
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : max leaf size : 25
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : average depth : 17
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : average leaf size : 7
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : leafnodes : 793
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RCI 0.3 info : bsp size (Kb) : 36
0: STDOUT: RenderPass “Passes.Default_Pass”, , 1, 1, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Rendering done!
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : TransformUVsPlugin has been unloaded.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : polymatricksPlugin has been unloaded.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : XSI2Indigo has been unloaded.
0: STDOUT: MSG 0.0 info : wallclock 0:00:11.44 total
0: STDOUT: MSG 0.0 info : allocated 1 MB, max resident 6 MB
0: INFO: Process return code: 0
0: Render Time: 13.234 s
I find something…
When you submit it from monitor - the submission script doesn’t look at new syntax of XSI 6.0 for output rendered images. New XSI output settings is relying under project settings and it’s something like that [project]\render_images.
By manual you must to type the exact pass for rendering. Something D:\FG\render_images\deadline
But for now submission script doesn’t support frame padding and from render it return only the last frame! default_pass.pic
0: Loaded job: new (00o_050_o_3eb0d69c)
0: INFO: Script plugin for Deadline 2.6.25701, built Jan 29 2007 12:07:22 R
0: INFO: >> Softimage XSI Plugin for Deadline, 2004-08-24
0: INFO: job file: c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\00o_050_o_3eb0d69c.job
0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1
0: INFO: Rendering with XSI version 6
0: INFO: Enforcing 32 bit build of XSI
0: INFO: Executable: “c:\softimage\xsi_6.0\application\bin\xsibatch.bat”
0: INFO: Arguments: " -r -scene “c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\test.scn” -pass “all” -startframe 1 -endframe 1 -step 1 "
0: INFO: StartupDir: “c:\softimage\xsi_6.0\application\bin”
0: INFO: UseJobObject: true
0: INFO: HideDosWindow: true
0: STDOUT: ==================================================
0: STDOUT: SOFTIMAGE® | XSI® Batch Version 6.0.2006.1218
0: STDOUT: Copyright© 1998-2006 Avid Technology, Inc. All rights reserved.
0: STDOUT: ==================================================
0: STDOUT: License warning: feature [XSI Batch Win] not available
0: STDOUT: License information: using [XSI Batch All]
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : XSI2Indigo has been loaded.
0: STDOUT: COMMAND: -r -scene “c:\deadline\slave\jobsData\test.scn” -pass “all” -startframe 1 -endframe 1 -step 1
0: STDOUT: >Loading: c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/test.scn…
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : 4034 - Loaded scene was created with build number: 6.0.2006.1218 - compatibility version: 600
0: STDOUT: OpenScene “c:/deadline/slave/jobsData/test.scn”, False, True
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameStep’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.Step”, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameStart’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.StartFrame”, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameEnd’.
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Parameter ‘Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame’ is obsolete and has been replaced by ‘Passes.Default_Pass.FrameRangeSource’.
0: STDOUT: SetValue “Passes.Default_Pass.RenderOptions.EndFrame”, 1
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : Starting rendering…
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : PHEN 0.3 progr: writing image file D:\XSI\FG\Render_Pictures\deadline\Default_Pass_Main.pic (frame 1)
0: STDOUT: ’ INFO : RC 0.3 progr: rendering finished
And for now I see we can do normal rendering but everything must be done by manual.
Submission script doesn’t support pass options under render menu with new path syntax.
New XSI syntax is [Pass]_[Framebuffer].
But for normal output we must to set exact path with exact padding: D:\FG\render_images\deadline\test.###.pic
It’s not very comfortable but it works now.
Waiting for new XSItoDeadline.vbs script.
There is a missing file in the submission part of the XSI package included above, which is what’s preventing you from submitting from XSI. I’ve attached the submission files here, which you can unzip to \your\repository\submission\XSI. Let us know if this fixes the submission problem.
- Ryan
In your render settings, can you check if the output paths you are specifying are relative or absolute? For the sake of network rendering, they have to be absolute, such as “D:\D:\FG…”. If they’re relative to the XSI project directory, such as “[project]\render_images”, it would make sense that the frames would get rendered to the local xsi project directory on the slave machines because they resolve the [project] based on their separate configurations, which is probably local.
After installing the submission files I just posted, try submitting from within XSI and let us know if you continue to have problems with the output.
- Ryan
Hi, there was an update on XSI software and now it’s 6.01 version. With the scrip for submission job withing the XSI it’s return this:
’ ERROR : Object doesn’t support this property or method: ‘pass.Framebuffers(…).ResolvedPath’ - [line 0]
’ ERROR : Property Page Script Logic Error (Microsoft VBScript runtime error)
’ ERROR : [1] '-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
’ ERROR : [2] ’ XSIToDeadlineLogic.vbs
’ ERROR : [3] ’ Ryan Russell (Frantic Films), 2006
’ ERROR : [4] ’
’ ERROR : Object doesn’t support this property or method: ‘pass.Framebuffers(…).ResolvedPath’