XSI Deadline fault

Hi all, I was hoping someone could help with the problems we are having rendering XSI 6.5 with deadline. I have attached a zip file with all the error logs that we are getting, they dont seam to be specific to one machine. We have 9 nodes rendering with XSI 6.5. Before we upgraded to to 6.5 we were using XSi 6.02 and never had any of these faults, so im not sure if they are a Deadline or XSI issue. Normaly the nodes will render fine for a while then they will freeze at the end of a frame and spit out these codes, Sometimes they also crash XSIbatch, Once you cancel the crash they carry on happy as larry for a while. The Error that says the machines have run out of ram is a strange one and all nodes have 2gig of ram, and when you render the scene localy it only uses about 1.2 gig of ram. If you need anymore information please let me know.





Hi Craig,

Most of these problems look like they are memory related, so my gut

reaction is that this is an XSI issue and Deadline is just the

messenger. I’m not sure if “error code 3” and “failed to create” are

memory related, but any memory issues can lead to unexpected results.

Here’s a breakdown of the error messages you posted:

  1. -1073741819.txt

    Error code -1073741819 represents a Memory Access Violation, which is

    usually a good indication that the renderer has run out of memory. This

    link provides some more info on error code -1073741819, and also offers

    a workaround for XSI that was worked for somebody else:


  2. Error_Code_3.txt

    Not too sure on this one. Error code 3 isn’t even listed here:


  3. Faild_to_Create.txt

    Not too sure on this one either. It sounds like it could be a

    permissions issue because the end of the error message states that “The

    system cannot find the path specified.”

  4. memory_access_Violation.txt

    Essentially the same error as (1) above.

  5. Transformation_Matrix

    If you look at the bottom of the slave log, the following is printed

    out. This is another sign that the renderer has run out of memory:

    0: STDOUT: MEM 0.5 fatal 031008: can’t allocate 12888 bytes.

    0: STDOUT: MEM 0.5 fatal 031008: can’t allocate 12888 bytes.

    0: STDOUT: ’ FATAL : MEM 0.5 fatal 031008: can’t allocate 12888 bytes.

    0: STDOUT: ’ FATAL : MEM 0.5 fatal 031008: can’t allocate 12888 bytes.

    Do you find you get these errors with any scene you render, or just the

    more complex ones? Maybe try scaling your scenes back to see if that helps.


Hi, Thanks for getting back to me so fast. I found the xsi patch you had for deadline after posting this, so all nodes have rendered overnite after installing the patch with no errors. I am still getting the transformation matrix comming up on the nodes, but the frames are being rendered now and no errors codes. Thanks again and ill keep you informed if we have any other worries.