At the moment, every time with start the submit dialog in XSI, the scene gets saved before anything else happens.
Is it a normal behavior? Is there a way to bypass this? When we work on big scenes, it takes a while to save, even if the scene as just been opened. Shouldn’t it save only if there has been changes made to the scene?
This is normal behavior, as the XSI scripting API doesn’t seem to provide a method to check if there are any unsaved changes in the current file. If there was, we would only save the file if necessary. If you know of a way to check for this via scripting, let us know!
An alternative solution would be to ask the user if they want to save the scene before proceeding with the submission. This would allow them to choose whether or not to save the scene, but ideally we would want to check if there are any changes and save automatically if possible.
How hard would it be to implement a save on user demand?
When you click Render to Deadline, the script would start to ask if the scene needs to be save. YES or NO… and then, the submit script would continue it’s job…
I’m pretty sure that there’s a flag in the event of the scene showing if it been saved or not since the last changes. I don’t know where you could find this but I’m sure the folks at Softimage could give you more info…
We actually just discovered a way of checking if the scene needs to be saved. It required a little more work than I expected, but hey, as long as it works right?
We will be including this in the upcoming 3.0 release, but I’ve also made the change in the vbscripts for 2.7, which I’ve attached here. Just unzip the attached file to \your\repository\submission\xsi.
Great! I will test this right away!