XSI Start and end frame wrong after being sumitted

After using the submit to deadline option from within xsi 6.5 and the jobs in repository all automatically default back to frames 1-100. I changed the frame range in the submit to dealine dialog but it ignores it and sets it to 1-100 (and sometimes 1-99 on some passes). The time line in the scene file is the length I want it to be and so is the frame range in each passes’ settings.

Hi Yuris,

When submitting one or more passes using the options under the Passes To

Render tab, Deadline will grab the render settings from the passes

themselves, instead of using the setting in the submission dialog. What

we will likely do for the next release is add an option to override the

pass frame ranges with the range specified in the submission dialog, so

the user can decide what they want to do.
