Z depth attenuation in additive mode

One of my weird questions again :smiley:

I’de like to accumulate particles additively but with a far range attenuation, that is, that particle far from the camera “weighting” less is density than the ones in front.
How do i acheive that ? Can i achieve that ? Is it technically stupid ? Is it obvious but i missed the parameter or just can’t read a documentation ? There maybe other posts on the subject so if you remember one don’t hesitate to just point me to it.

Best regards,


You can use a KCM to compare the difference between the position of the particle and the camera. The longer that vector, the less emission you assign.

  • Chad

Ok thanks !

Same principle as in
software.primefocusworld.com/sof … maflow.php
but you can either change the emission value or the density value based on the KCM calculations.

Here is a dedicated tutorial:
software.primefocusworld.com/sof … alance.php

I will add more details and screenshots tomorrow, but it covers the basics…

a full tutorial, wonderfull ! Krakatoa’s tream is not joking around with the support !