Will there be any option to automatically email out a monthly report / graphs rather than exporting csv files?
Is the Zabbix option still possible?
I see it hasn’t been updated in 2 years so wondered if anything had changed?
I get this error in Pulse when trying it out 2018-08-29 12:41:35: An error occurred in the "OnHouseCleaning" function in events plugin 'Zabbix': NameError : global name 'slaveTotalKey' is not defined (Python.Runtime.PythonException)
Moved this guy to a new topic since it can stand alone.
There isn’t a feature request for e-mailing a report at a regular interval, but Zabbix or AWS QuickSight or other BI tools are likely a better solution…
For Zabbix, I’m not sure how many folks are making use if it these days. That error though might be because “SlaveTotalItemKey” isn’t set in the plugin info. It’s what populates “slaveTotalKey” and it’s only used here. It should have always been a problem.
In looking at the param file there, the “SlaveTotalItemKey” and a few other keys seem to have been duplicated somehow and we never noticed. Just as a test (since you have access to Zabbix) can you give this file a try in that event’s folder?
I’m trying out Zabbix as it’s on a previous blog post and in the Deadline github.
Still getting the same issue, could be in the zabbix.py file rather than param file, I tried hashing out bits there but of course it references it further down "C:/DeadlineRepository10\custom\events\Zabbix\Zabbix.py": GetConfigEntry: Attempted to access non-existent config key: SlaveTotalItemName (Deadline.Events.DeadlineEventPluginException)
Okay, think I found the issue regarding the non-existent config key SlaveTotalItemName.
There is a copy/paste typo…
[SlaveTotalItemKey] is at line both 143, 152.
Line 152 should be
One thing might help others if they are new to Zabbix is to make sure you give the zabbix user r/w permission to the host (aka slave/worker).
Another thing is that in the docs, it shows slaves properties where you can change the slave region. This is not available in the newer worker properties. You change region using launcher and restart the worker. Not sure if this works as I was getting another error relating to region, but I can confirm using Get Region from Extra Info works.