zDepth issue in Vray

…under scanline renderer i can see the zchannel of a xmesh loader, but not with vray zDepth…anyone having the same?

cheers Cruzifer

It seems to work for me. (I saved a moving teapot in world space. Then I loaded the mesh, switched the renderer to V-Ray, enabled motion blur, added a VRayZDepth render element, and rendered.)

What version of V-Ray and 3ds Max are you using? It might help if you could please send us a scene file that reproduces the problem. You can send us files using our ticket system.

hey paul,
for some reason it works now - in begining i used vray 360 spherical camera and set the resolution to 5362 * 3016 and had a blank zdepth. now i tryed to render a lower resolution and it gives me a correct zdepth. when i now switch back to 5362 * 3016 it´s working… not sure if that was the fix for that…
thanks anyway for your reply

cheers cruzifer

update: tried to reproduce the bug, with no luck :wink: maybe you can delete this post…