Zooming the KCE on Beta5

Minor and not a real problem…stumbled over it accidently actually as i hardly ever zoom the view.
But when zooming the KCE with the mousewheel the labels of the categories and ops also zoom and even tho the boxes remain the same in size
the radius of the rounded corners seems to change according to the zoom level.

No idea if there is a way around it at all…just thought i’d mention it.


This is how the Helium works.
We intend to license the source code from Kees and do some improvements in the future, but for now the Schematic View is what is is.
I am trying to squeeze out as much as I can :wink:

Thought so…Go go go license it and make sure you dont add gradients and shiny nodes please :smiley:

LOL, I have seen some TP versions like that, I know better :slight_smile:
I think the current graphics are relatively pleasant and we have given you all controls to customize color palettes and sizes.
Unfortunately, many of the settings are all or nothing (global), so I cannot have one node semi-transparent while others opaque, or one node without a title bar and the others with etc. Also we want dedicated button “nodes” instead of abusing the regular nodes as we do now for the Depot with all side effects.

Still, Helium is surprisingly versatile and I am very happy with its speed and flexibility.

btw something that i have thought about was if you ever thought of (i know we’re in a very early stage, am just thinking freely) adding custom operators
aside from one’s built as BlackOps. Like have a VERY simple sdk that would allow creating the different types of ops and each would have specific inputs/outputs
and you’d just have to read and fill them on the compiled side of life. This might be way overkill…but we tend to do weird things in our niche sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:


This is out of the question for 1.5 (it was requested internally by another TD but is not realistic at this point).
If you feel there is an operation you cannot wire together using the current basic nodes, let us know. (Btw, BlackOps editing and management will be WAY better in the upcoming Beta 6).
We are still missing some nodes like random, noise (one can use a texture map but it might be slower) , degToRad and radToDeg (these two can be wired easily into a BlackOp but I’d like to have them built in), and all the kdtree geometry lookup stuff like closest point to a mesh surface, inside volume test etc.
But the current architecture does not provide room of “plugin” nodes.

Thanks a lot! these were pretty much the things i was thinking of (noises, closest distance, 1D noises etc)

Great to hear there’s more coming and looking forward to Beta6! Just got my #Box3 license so will prolly start playing with some new stuff (well new to me :stuck_out_tongue:)


oh P.S. greetings from Lele :smiley:

In the same vein, when the depot is on the side, “z” zoom extents puts at least one of the nodes behind the depot. Should be zoomed out a bit more.

Thanks, will try to take the Depot into account.