3dsmax 2020 support

Hello !
Do you guyz have any idea when deadline will support 3dsmax 2020 freshly out :slight_smile:
Thanks !

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Yes pls… all the plugins are out except for deadline. any quick workaround for this??

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Have you tried the quick and dirty method of just adding the option to 3dsmax.param or 3dsCmd.param file in the //repo/plugins/3dsmax ?

Haven’t tested this but something like that.

Category=3ds Max Render Executables
Label=3ds Max 2020 Executable
Description=The path to the 3dsmaxio.exe or 3dsmax.exe used for rendering on each Slave, use a ; to separate multiple paths.
Default=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020\3dsmaxio.exe;C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2020\3dsmax.exe

Yep but the jobs send errors because of the lightning64Max plugins.

Did you add the Lightning.dlx in plugin.ini. Seems like that didn’t change between 2018 and 2019. So it might still work?


No i haven’t changed to tweak Lightning.dlx and so… i already have a prod over 3ds2016 that is running and i don’t want to break it.
I’d prefered an official release.

Could you tell exactly how to do it for 2020? I have no DLX in the folder mentioned in those docs… the only DLX is in startup folder, but i only have a version for 2019.

A detailed explanation would be nice, we’re ready to use 2020, just deadline is missing.

now i really need to render 3ds2020.
We need a release or an official workaround for it plz !

+1 for getting support going for SMTD and Frost in Max 2020. 2020 has been out for a good while now…

+1 for getting support for max 2020

Max2020 support for all thinkbox tools would be fantastic!

Is it possible to get a timeline on when Deadline will become available for Max 2020? I’d love to be able to know if I can safely move my work to 2020 without getting myself in trouble a few weeks from now by not being able to use Deadline. Thanks!

Not in the latest release notes?

Is there an issue with 3ds Max 2020 on the farm?, I’m just doing a client install looking to use 19 and 20, will install latest and see if it’s slipped in

Hey guys,

I’m sorry to say that it’s not in 10.0.25. As usual, I’ve collected your asks here.



So, any ETA?.. In the meanwhile is there any way to make .25 work with 2020, by editing files or something?

Pretty please.
We have everything except Thinkbox product for 3dsMax 2020.

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I know hindsight is 2020, but is there a rough ETA?

days, weeks, months, or could be a while as Autodesk made some changes/bugs that is causing us issues… ?

It’s great that 3ds Max allows you to save as older version…

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Thinkbox also must realize that the day to wait for months and months for plugin compiling is long gone. Many 3rd party plugins has been released at almost day-1. Most of them has been released within week.

3dsMax dev is even closing major release earlier than what it should be to give 3rd parties to have enough time to update on time.

Please update at least Deadline ASAP.
There is a post at Stack looking for alternative solution because of this.


Up !

Guys, do we have a support problem here ? i’ve never heard a question without answer for that long on this forum.
Do you any timing estimation of when 3dsmax 2020 will be supported ? because we are now waiting hardly for it.
If it will not be in few days please just say it so we can stop waiting & start finding a workaround.

Thanks !


+1 for getting support for 3ds max 2020.

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