Cinema 4D R23 with Arnold - Unexpected Exception Arnold ai_standard_surface

Hey everyone!
I’ve recently been trying to set up Deadline to work with our Cinema 4D installs. However, I’ve hit a small snag where whenever I include an Arnold-based material, even just the default 50% gray standard surface shader I get this “Unexpected Exception” error.

At first I was wondering if there was an issue where Arnold might not be installed on the slave machine but after checking I found that it was and that it could render using Arnold locally. Besides that, I’ve tried a few basic things and found that for now, the material is the main issue as if I submit a geometry with no material at all it will render just fine with the Arnold renderer over deadline. I’ll attach the log file from one of the tasks below.

Has anyone encountered anything like this or have any tips on what I could do to overcome this issue?

Thanks for the read (4.8 KB)

Found the issue. Here’s what worked for me for future reference:

Same issue as described here, so I guess it is more of a general issue:

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