Deadline Worker - Could not initialize the plugin sandbox

Hi @Justin_B,

Strangely we have started experiencing the below error of loading sandbox plugin and I am having a hard time debugging or troubleshooting this as this is impending our work right now. So any quick inputs on how we narrow down to the root cause and get this fixed will be really very helpful.



Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)






Stack Trace


at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.e(String ajs, Job ajt, CancellationToken aju)

at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.b(TaskLogWriter ajo, CancellationToken ajp)

I did refer to another thread with almost the same issue, i.e. Deadline Sandbox issues with Custom Plugin Directory

However, unlike that other thread, we are for sure not using any Custom Plugin Directory for the job that’s failing for loading the Sandbox plugin.

Can you please let us know how can we fix this?

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Hello @Fractal_Admin

Thanks for reaching out. There can be more than one cause for this error. I think we need to take a look at the verbose Worker logs. Please enable verbose logging of the Worker (and RCS if this Worker is connected via the RCS and others which are working fine are not, but I doubt that) from Deadline Monitor> Tools> Configure Repo Options> Application Data> Enable Verbose logging for the Worker and RCS.
Then restart the Worker> Reproduce the issue> and share the application logs locally stored on the Worker machine from Monitor> Help> Explore Log Folder> share the latest worker log (look at the time stamps).

Things to try:

  • Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox - #7 by Mads_Hangaard
  • Run the sandbox directly on CMD of Worker in question it lives under /bin directory [deadlinesandbox.exe] of the client installation folder
  • Export the Job info file and plugin Info file from Monitor of error’d Job (right menu of job> modify job properties> Submission params> Export) and submit it via deadlinecommand . First navigate to %DEADLINE_PATH% or $DEADLINE_PATH then run below:
    deadlinecommand renderjob <path of Job info file > <path of Plugin Info file >
    Share the logs.
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Hello @Nreddy

Yes, that’s so true and in our case for now it turned out that the Deadline repository data was overwritten with the older backup but partially etc. We restored it fully and for now we are not observing the Sandbox Plugin loading errors. However, we have observed this intermittently and therefore it will be worth knowing the ways to narrow it down if we happen to run into this again.

Yes, we have this enabled already.

For this option, we are not seeing Sandbox.exe on the %DEADLINE_PATH% but for the ones listed below:


Can you please suggest how to run the sandbox directly from CMD?

Sure, we will give this a go for the next occurrence and share the respective Job → Task Report → Log.

Thanks for the quick response @Nreddy.

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Executable deadlinesandbox.exe.

Yeah, for few customers error is resolved by unchecking “Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support” : Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox - #7 by Mads_Hangaard

Sorry I missed to notice it is deadlinesandbox.exe will give this a check for the next occurrences. Thanks @Nreddy

Also, @Nreddy @Justin_B For the Deadline Monitor Console we are observing the below messages intermittently, can you suggest what components and configs should we look at to fix this?

2023-04-28 13:46:44:  0: ERROR: UpdateClient.MaybeSendRequestNow caught an exception: POST returned "One or more errors occurred. (No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. (" (Deadline.Net.Clients.Http.DeadlineHttpRequestException)

2023-04-28 13:46:44:  0: ERROR: DataController threw a configuration exception during initialization: Failed to establish connection to due to a communication error. (Deadline.Configuration.DeadlineConfigException)

2023-04-28 13:46:44:  0: Deadline.Configuration.DeadlineConfigException: Failed to establish connection to due to a communication error.

2023-04-28 13:46:44:  0:  ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (10061): No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

2023-04-28 13:46:44:  0:    at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.AwaitableSocketAsyncEventArgs.ThrowException(SocketError error, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

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