Deadline Sandbox issues with Custom Plugin Directory


I wasn’t sure where to put bug reports, but this seems fitting.
It took a while to find the cause to this problem, since there was nothing in the errors to indicate that it was related to using custom plugin directory setting. And google wasn’t helpful.
Perhaps this will help someone.

After upgrade from to our custom plugins started crashing with the following errors:

Error in job reports:

Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)


Stack Trace
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.e(String ajq, Job ajr, CancellationToken ajs)
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.b(TaskLogWriter ajm, CancellationToken ajn)

Error in Worker log:

ERROR: Encountered the following error while initializing the Plugin Sandbox: 'Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'input')'.
 Cannot render the current job [ID:"60a4ec935fcb1e42048b52e6" / Name:"Download: 2"]. Contact Thinkbox Support for more information.
Scheduler Thread - Render Thread 0 threw a major error: 
Exception Details
RenderPluginException -- Failed to load the plugin because: Could not initialize the plugin sandbox (Deadline.Plugins.PluginException)
RenderPluginException.Cause: PluginLoadError (0)
RenderPluginException.Level: Major (1)
RenderPluginException.HasSlaveLog: True
RenderPluginException.SlaveLogFileName: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\logs\deadlineslave_renderthread_0-machinenamewashere-0000.log
Exception.TargetSite: Boolean e(System.String, Deadline.Jobs.Job, System.Threading.CancellationToken)
Exception.Data: ( )
Exception.Source: deadline
Exception.HResult: -2146233088
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.e(String ajq, Job ajr, CancellationToken ajs)
   at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.b(TaskLogWriter ajm, CancellationToken ajn)

After some trial and error I’ve tracked down the issue to being caused by Custom Plugin Directory (in the job properties → Environment) being set incorrectly. It works only if this path is set to exact directory for this plugin, or not set at all, otherwise this error happens.

I seem to remember that at some point we had to set Custom Plugin Directory to a directory which contained plugin directories, rather than the specific plugin directory, to make it work. If someone is still using such a setup, it may cause this issue.


Thanks for the report, we’ve been seeing this with Houdini’s PDG plugin as well. You’ve landed on the root of the issue as well, I’ve added you to our existing dev issue.

I’m not allowed (Amazon policy) to say if we’re working on a fix but we do know about it!

Any news on this? I’m trying to set up a PDG pipeline inside AWS and I’m getting the same error…