Frame Progress bar only says 0% or 100%


I’m rendering with arnold/xsi2015R2.

But the rendering per frame progress bar says either 0% or 100%. Nothing in between.

What script do I need to modify to fix this?


It’ll be “[repo]/plugins/SoftImage/”

These are the starting point for progress calculation:

        self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback(".*progr:\\s+([0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]+)%\\s+rendered\\son.*").HandleCallback += self.HandleStdoutProgress1
        self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback(".*progr:\\s+rendering\\sfinished.*").HandleCallback += self.HandleStdoutProgress2
        self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback(".*\\[arnold\\].* +([0-9]+)% done.*").HandleCallback += self.HandleStdoutProgress1
        self.AddStdoutHandlerCallback(".*\\[arnold\\].* render done.*").HandleCallback += self.HandleStdoutProgress2

Work backward from the job report and play around with the regular expressions. Feel free to throw a few progress lines here and we can help out.