H.265 Help

I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions as to how to get H.265 encoding on Deadline? We’ve been rendering 4K content and need a more efficient way to create video files from our frames.


Hi James,

We use a python script / command line job to run ffmpeg.

based on the shotgun h264 format transcoding workflow found:

Anew version of ffmpeg might work just as well, but this works:

ffmpeg-Oct242013\bin\ffmpeg.exe -y {-i path to audio file if you need one} -r {frame rate} -i {input file/s} -vcodec libx264 -r {frame rate again} -crf 10 -pix_fmt yuv420p -bf 0 -g 5 -vframes 62 -acodec libvo_aacenc -f mov -timecode 00:00:00:00 {path to output file}

We have been doing it this way since before we started using deadline, so there may be a much better way to do this.

Hope this helps


Hey Kym! Thanks that does help. I was actually just looking at the ffmpeg plugin and thinking about something like this. I wasn’t sure if Draft supports H.265 yet.

Not yet unfortunately. When it does, I’ve got some family videos to transcode. :smiley:

hello! just wanted to follow up, @eamsler do you know if there’s any further plan to implement H.265 in Deadline Draft?


Nothing I can share officially unfortunately.

Looking into it on our side, we don’t have much documented demand for it.

Just wanted to throw our hat in the ring for documented demand for H.265. We do a lot of large format projection work and H.265 would be a boon for us.

Is the bug with H264 codec in draft coming with for windows (moving to cisco one, causing stepped encoding etc…), will have a fix soon?

Yup. It’ll ship officially in the next Deadline release.

Until then, download the patched Draft from here:

Draft ship with still brokhen on H264,
the version here https://thinkbox-installers.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Releases/Draft/1.8.0/License_Free_Draft_1.8.0.zip work perfectly fine…


Noted. Informing engineering.

Update: We’re working on a 10.2.0 patch build. I’ve been told it will be included there as Draft 1.8.1. Sorry for my misinformation there.

No problem, the most important, is we have a fix…
I don’t really care, if it’s a separated DL or inside official build…We could work…That’s what matter.