Hello there, I’m tinkering with Deadline for a small farm with workstations on Windows 10
I can submit jobs fine with Houdini, but job fail when I try to submit a scene with a Arnold ROP or any Arnold material node inside, even if I submit the job to my own workstation.
After some adjustments to hrender_dl.py to make the error more verbose , I was able to find the culprit :
FailRenderException : Error: Bad parent found (parent is not a network): mat/grey/OUT_material.init.
at Deadline.Plugins.DeadlinePlugin.FailRender(String message) (Python.Runtime.PythonException)
File "C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\suzanne\plugins\6262c14683d0c90012ac7cbc\Houdini.py", line 440, in HandleStdoutError
2022-04-22 16:55:11: 0: STDOUT: Input File: P:/TEST_FARM/houdini/cube.hip
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: verification_id
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: license_id
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: lock
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: product_id
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: server_platform
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: support_expiry
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: houdini_version
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: available
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: count
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: ip_mask
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: display
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Unknown command: }
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: The attempted operation failed.
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Error loading: P:/TEST_FARM/houdini/cube.hip
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Warning: Bad node type found: arnold_materialbuilder in /mat.
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: STDOUT: Warning: Bad node type found: arnold_materialbuilder in /mat.
2022-04-22 16:55:12: 0: Done executing plugin command of type 'Render Task'
I guess the HtoA plugin is not correctly loaded for the job to work, but i’m unable to make it load correctly : this is what I’ve tried so far :
Load Arnold through a custom package
and adding the package folder to my HOUDINI_PACKAGE_DIR system env, which is still recognized by Houdini and work as expected. Inside the sandboxed job I can see the HOUDINI_PACKAGE_DIR var being correctly set, but HOUDINI_PATH and PATH are not updated by the var inside my package.
Add fileHandle.write( "IncludeEnvironment=True\n" ) inside SubmitHoudiniToDeadlineFunctions.py to include worker environnement, which append htoa path to HOUDINI_PATH and PATH, but the render still fails with the same message.
Copy and paste the full hython command inside a local terminal, which completes the job without error.
I dont know how I’m supposed to embed arnold with houdini, if it’s because I’m using the submitter from this post by @bazuka which may not be compatible with arnold (?) or if i’m missing something else. I need your expertise on this !
and looking at the error u got it looks like there are some issues with arnold plugin paths
from what i notice in h19 there were some changes in json structure related to the h18.5, and i think i found this json on htoa forum, so far works fine on my side
Hey @bazuka and thank you so much for your answer. My json file was formatted incorrectly, so I made some adjustments to make it work. Adding the "method" : "append" to my HOUDINI_PATH seems to break plugin loading when a user launch Houdini, and HtoA seems to advise to prepend it so I removed it.
I added some logs in hrender_dl.py and now I can see the PATH and HOUDINI_PATH being populated like expected :
You are absolutely correct. I can render with no problem using Houdini GUI or with hython by manually pasting into cmd the generated job command found in the log :
EDIT : hython inside the job sandbox doesn’t load arnold (The usual htoa loading verbose doesn’t show on the worker log, and HTOA env variable is not set) even with PACKAGE_SUBMISSION_DIR, HOUDINI_PATH and PATH being set correctly. Very strange !
Here is the houdini package located in a mapped network drive “S:/plugins/houdini/” and also in “C:/ProgramData/Thinkbox/Deadline10/submitters/Houdini” arnold.json.zip (414 Bytes)
The scene file located also in a network drive : “P:\TEST_FARM\houdini\cube.hip” cube.hip.zip (91.4 KB)
Let me know if you need anything else, I’m struggling for two days now and really appreciate your help !