Houdini exit code 134 when generating .ass files on Rocky Linux 9.2 for Arnold via Deadline


Houdini 19.0.622
Rockly Linux 9.2

When using Houdini to generate .ass files on our farm on Rocky Linux 9.2, Houdini reaches the end of the process with a valid output file but gives a stack trace and crashes with Error Code 134, resulting in Deadline just retrying the frame as the task was not marked as complete although the data is valid.

When rendering the same task via Centos 7.9 the issue does not occur and the task exits and is marked as complete.

I have asked SideFX about this but does anyone here have any suggestions?


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Also getting odd issue on Rocky/Alma 9, and hear it from others too.

Can you run the commandline outside of Deadline and get that working? Are you monitoring CPU/RAM/Network usage as the job progresses?

Unfortunately outside of Deadline I get even less progress, due to legacy pipeline I think.

I might have to go totally off-pipe and try to run Houdini standalone and see what I can get working, so far at least pipeline .ass automation is not working for us using hrender_dl.py that ships with Deadline.

It looks like Houdini render process is returning a non-zero exit code. Edwin recommended to ignore this exit code if it renders fine outside Deadline. Here is a KBA article to troubleshoot Houdini render issue.

If it render fine outside following this documentation, you can follow Edwin’s recommendation on this forum thread: Houdini-Redshift exit code 134 workaround - #2 by eamsler

I hope this would help. Could you also be able to share the render log from the job which failed to investigate further.

The last time we had this exit code, it was a crash of Houdini. Could you post the entire worker log?
Also you should try a command line Deadline render, to obtain the entire error trace.