Maya 2025 Installation

I can’t seem to get Deadline working with Maya 2025. It doesn’t appear in the Configure Plugins list, if I try to install it manually I get the Deadline plugin/submitter to appear in Maya 2025 but then when the job attempts to process I get the following error… How can I fix this? (Layman’s terms if possible, as I’m no computer engineer!).

Error: Deadline was unable to find the plugin configuration option ‘RenderExecutable2025_0’ for the selected version of Maya 2025_0.

you need to update the Maya.param file in the repo for batch and cmd. add an extra entry for 2025


Category=Render Executables
Label=Maya 2025 Render Executable
Default=C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\bin\MayaBatch.exe;/usr/autodesk/maya2025/bin/maya;/Applications/Autodesk/maya2025/;/usr/autodesk/mayaIO2025/bin/maya
Description=The path to the Maya 2025 executable file used for rendering. Enter alternative paths on separate lines.

If you’re submitting from the Monitor menu you’ll need to modify the script for that too

1 Like

Thank you anthonygelatka,

I can see Maya2025 in the MayaBatch Configure Plugin but when I start Maya 2025 I get this error:

Error: ModuleNotFoundError: file C:\DeadlineRepository10/submission/Integration/Main\deadline_submission\ line 12: No module named ‘six’

And when I submit a job I get this error:

Error: file: C:/DeadlineRepository10/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2767: Could not find deadline_submission module

This is likely a python 3 error, I think 2025 dropped py2 support, and deadline 10.3 did too

There’s a guide for updating older plugins here

but it maybe worth updating Deadline to the latest version and re-installing the submitter

Hi Anthony, thank you for your help. I’ve added the script above to the C:\DeadlineRepository10\plugins\MayaBatch\MayaBatch.param file in the repository, and Maya shows up now in the Configure Plugins list. It now renders on one of my PCs but the other is flagging up this error from within Maya if I try to submit from it… I only just re-installed Deadline 2 weeks ago to the latest version.

// Error: file: C:/Users/seb/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/DGIiskKEw9pqAX6k7bXR8YYxMVo/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2767: Could not find deadline_submission module

From within Deadline I’m now getting this error from the problematic render node and it fails to render.

How can I fix this?




Error: Strict error checking on, caught the following error or warning.

Error: file: B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya/scenes/ line 9: VRay: Could not load the Bifrost module! You will not be able to render Bifrost as isosurface or metaball. The error message is:[loadLibEx] 126: LoadLibrary failed (126): The specified module could not be found.

If this error message is unavoidable but not fatal, please email support with the error message, and disable the Maya job setting Strict Error Checking.

at Deadline.Plugins.PluginWrapper.RenderTasks(Task task, String& outMessage, AbortLevel& abortLevel)






Stack Trace


at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.d(DeadlineMessage bgu, CancellationToken bgv)

at Deadline.Plugins.SandboxedPlugin.RenderTask(Task task, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

at Deadline.Slaves.SlaveRenderThread.c(TaskLogWriter ajz, CancellationToken aka)




2024-07-01 16:27:24: 0: Loading Job’s Plugin timeout is Disabled

2024-07-01 16:27:24: 0: SandboxedPlugin: Render Job As User disabled, running as current user ‘seb’

2024-07-01 16:27:25: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’

2024-07-01 16:27:25: 0: INFO: Executing plugin script ‘C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\Breadbin-PC\plugins\6682ca9fc45de5ca20858134\’

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Plugin execution sandbox using Python version 3

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: About: Maya Batch Plugin for Deadline

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: The job’s environment will be merged with the current environment before rendering

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Initialize Plugin’

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Start Job timeout is disabled.

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Task timeout is disabled.

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Loaded job: DeadlineTest_02 (6682ca9fc45de5ca20858134)

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: DEBUG: S3BackedCache Client is not installed.

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Executing global asset transfer preload script ‘C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\Breadbin-PC\plugins\6682ca9fc45de5ca20858134\’

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer…

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Looking for legacy (pre-10.0.26) File Transfer controller in C:/Program Files/Thinkbox/S3BackedCache/bin/…

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Could not find legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer.

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Legacy (pre-10.0.26) AWS Portal File Transfer is not installed on the system.

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Rendering with Maya Version 2025.0

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DEBUG_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTING environment variable to 0 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_DEBUG_ENABLE_CRASH_REPORTING to 0

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CIP (ADSK Customer Involvement Program) environment variable to 1 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_DISABLE_CIP to 1

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CER (ADSK Customer Error Reporting) environment variable to 1 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_DISABLE_CER to 1

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_DISABLE_CLIC_IPM (ADSK In Product Messaging) environment variable to 1 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_DISABLE_CLIC_IPM to 1

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_OPENCL_IGNORE_DRIVER_VERSION environment variable to 1 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_OPENCL_IGNORE_DRIVER_VERSION to 1

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_VP2_DEVICE_OVERRIDE environment variable to VirtualDeviceDx11 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_VP2_DEVICE_OVERRIDE to VirtualDeviceDx11

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_RENDER_SETUP_INCLUDE_ALL_LIGHTS environment variable to 1 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_RENDER_SETUP_INCLUDE_ALL_LIGHTS to 1

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting MAYA_ENABLE_LEGACY_RENDER_LAYERS environment variable to 1 for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable MAYA_ENABLE_LEGACY_RENDER_LAYERS to 1

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting OCIO environment variable to D:/Resources/OpenColorIO-Configs-master/aces_1.2/config.ocio for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable OCIO to D:/Resources/OpenColorIO-Configs-master/aces_1.2/config.ocio

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting PYTHONHOME environment variable to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\Python for this session

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Setting Process Environment Variable PYTHONHOME to C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\Python

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Starting monitored managed process MayaBatch

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Stdout Redirection Enabled: True

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Stdout Handling Enabled: True

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Popup Handling Enabled: True

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: QT Popup Handling Enabled: False

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO:* Popup Handling Enabled: False

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Using Process Tree: True

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Hiding DOS Window: True

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Creating New Console: False

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Running as user: seb

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Executable: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\bin\MayaBatch.exe”

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Argument: -prompt -proj “B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya”

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Full Command: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\bin\MayaBatch.exe” -prompt -proj “B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya”

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Startup Directory: “C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\bin”

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Process Priority: BelowNormal

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Process Affinity: default

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Process is now running

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Start Job’

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Plugin rendering frame(s): 1

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: Executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’

2024-07-01 16:27:26: 0: INFO: Waiting until maya is ready to go

2024-07-01 16:27:39: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support with the error message.

2024-07-01 16:27:39: 0: STDOUT: Error: source “DeadlineMayaClient.mel”;/seb/Documents/maya/scripts/userSetup.mel" -wd 1;

2024-07-01 16:27:39: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support with the error message.

2024-07-01 16:27:39: 0: STDOUT: Error: “C:\Users\seb\Documents\maya\scripts\userSetup.mel” line 1.32: Cannot find file “DeadlineMayaClient.mel” for source statement.

2024-07-01 16:27:39: 0: STDOUT: Result: untitled

2024-07-01 16:27:39: 0: STDOUT: mel: READY FOR INPUT

2024-07-01 16:27:39: 0: INFO: Importing Maya Batch Utils melscript: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\Breadbin-PC\plugins\6682ca9fc45de5ca20858134\MayaBatchUtils.mel

2024-07-01 16:27:40: 0: INFO: Waiting for Maya Batch Utils melscript to finish loading

2024-07-01 16:27:40: 0: STDOUT: mel: mel: READY FOR INPUT

2024-07-01 16:27:41: 0: INFO: Importing Maya Batch Functions python script: C:\ProgramData\Thinkbox\Deadline10\workers\Breadbin-PC\plugins\6682ca9fc45de5ca20858134\

2024-07-01 16:27:41: 0: INFO: Waiting for Maya Batch Functions python script to finish importing

2024-07-01 16:27:41: 0: STDOUT: mel: Result: 0

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: STDOUT: mel: READY FOR INPUT

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: INFO: >This is a Render Job

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: INFO: Rendering with vray

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: INFO: Rendering to network drive

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: INFO: Creating melscript to execute render

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: INFO: Auto memory detection for VRay disabled

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: INFO: No valid path mappings found. Skipping adding dirmap commands.

2024-07-01 16:27:42: 0: INFO: Executing script: C:\Users\seb\AppData\Local\Temp\tmpD139.tmp

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: INFO: Waiting for script to finish

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: mel: Loading scene: B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya/scenes/

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:43] V-Ray: V-Ray 6 for Maya, update 2.2 version 6.20.02 from May 28 2024, 14:23:52

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:43] V-Ray: V-Ray core version is 6.20.09

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: Initializing V-Ray for Maya

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/./translators/vraytr_bercon_special.dll

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/./translators/vraytr_flakes2_translators.dll

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/./translators/vraytr_geometry_translators.dll

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/./translators/vraytr_texdirt_translator.dll

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support with the error message.

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: Warning: V-Ray: MayaUSD is version 0.28.0, which is unsupported. MayaUSD proxy nodes will not be rendered.

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: V-Ray: MayaUSD is version 0.28.0, which is unsupported. MayaUSD proxy nodes will not be rendered.

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/./translators/vraytr_usd_translator_toonew.dll

2024-07-01 16:27:43: 0: STDOUT: [VMAYA PT] Loaded and initialized C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/./translators/vraytr_uvwgen_bercon.dll

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:44] V-Ray: Loading plugins from “C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/vrayplugins\vray_*.dll”

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:44] V-Ray: 73 plugin(s) loaded successfully

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:44] V-Ray: Finished loading plugins.

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: WARNING: Strict error checking on, ignoring the following unrecognized error or warning. If it is fatal, please email support with the error message.

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: Warning: V-Ray VolumeGrid: Loading shaders failed - no <*.txt> files in .

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: V-Ray VolumeGrid: loading C:/Program Files/Chaos Group/V-Ray/Maya 2025 for x64/maya_vray/./scripts/VRayVolumeGridInit.mel…

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: V-Ray VolumeGrid: OK.

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node vrayMultiProjection (id: 1115335/0x001104C7)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayCurvature (id: 1115347/0x001104D3)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayPointParticleMtl (id: 1115353/0x001104D9)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayStochasticFlakesMtl (id: 1115359/0x001104DF)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayAlSurface (id: 1115350/0x001104D6)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayHairNextMtl (id: 1115320/0x001104B8)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayBerconNoise (id: 1115370/0x001104EA)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayFiltering (id: 1207503/0x00126CCF)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayCarPaint2Mtl (id: 1207504/0x00126CD0)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayFlakes2Mtl (id: 1207506/0x00126CD2)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: STDOUT: [2024/Jul/1|16:27:45] V-Ray: Registered dynamic node VRayColorCorrection (id: 1207509/0x00126CD5)

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: WARNING: Error: file:B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya/scenes/ line 9: VRay: Could not load the Bifrost module! You will not be able to render Bifrost as isosurface or metaball. The error message is:[loadLibEx] 126: LoadLibrary failed (126): The specified module could not be found.

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: WARNING: Encountered an error, logging render script contents for debugging:

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: WARNING: ################################ SCRIPT LOG START ################################

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: WARNING: // Starting Mel program

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: proc renderIt(string $name) {

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: string $opt=“”; string $rl=“”; string $rp=“”; float $resize=-1.; vrayRegisterRenderer(); vrayCreateVRaySettingsNode(); select vraySettings;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultRenderGlobals.animation; setAttr defaultRenderGlobals.animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultRenderGlobals.startFrame; setAttr defaultRenderGlobals.startFrame 1;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultRenderGlobals.animation; setAttr defaultRenderGlobals.animation 1; removeRenderLayerAdjustmentAndUnlock defaultRenderGlobals.endFrame; setAttr defaultRenderGlobals.endFrame 1;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setAttr “defaultRenderGlobals.byFrameStep” 1; setAttr “defaultRenderGlobals.animation” true;; setAttr “vraySettings.frameStep” 1; setAttr “vraySettings.animation” true;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setAttr -type “string” “vraySettings.fileNamePrefix” “/”;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: workspace -fr “images” “B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya/images”; workspace -fr “depth” “B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya/images”;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setAttr “vraySettings.width” 1920;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setAttr “vraySettings.height” 1080;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setAttr “vraySettings.sys_max_threads” 0;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setAttr “vraySettings.sys_progress_increment” 1;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: if( attributeExists "animType" vraySettings )

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: {

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setAttr “vraySettings.animType” 1;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: }

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: setMayaSoftwareLayers($rl, $rp); setImageSizePercent($resize); mayaBatchRenderProcedure(0, “”, “”, “vray”, $opt);

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: }

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: //

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: // Main part

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: //

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: proc mainDeadlineRender() {

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: string $sceneName = “B:/Client/2024-06-17_Client_Project/Maya/scenes/”;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: print ("Loading scene: " + $sceneName + “\n”);

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: catch( python( “DeadlineMayaBatchFunctions.ForceLoadPlugins()” ) );

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: int $loadFailed = catch( file -o $sceneName );

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: if (!$loadFailed) {

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: catch( python( “DeadlineMayaBatchFunctions.OutputPluginVersions()” ) );

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: }

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: catch( remapNodeFilePathsWithTokens( “file”, “fileTextureName”, true ) );

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: catch( remapNodeFilePathsWithTokens( “aiStandIn”, “dso”, false ) );

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: catch( mapOpenColorIOFile( 1 ) );

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: string $checkScene = file -q -sn;

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: if ($checkScene==“”) {

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: error (“Cannot load scene "” + $sceneName + “". Please check the scene path, then try opening the scene on the machine which ran this job to troubleshoot the problem.\n”);

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: } else if (catch(renderIt($sceneName))) {

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: error (“Render failed.\n”);

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: } else {

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: print (“Render completed.\n”);

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: }

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: }

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: mainDeadlineRender();

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: // Ending Mel program

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: WARNING: ################################# SCRIPT LOG END #################################

2024-07-01 16:27:45: 0: Done executing plugin command of type ‘Render Task’




Date: 07/01/2024 16:27:49

Frames: 1

Elapsed Time: 00:00:00:25

Job Submit Date: 07/01/2024 16:26:23

Job User: seb

Average RAM Usage: 15552401408 (46%)

Peak RAM Usage: 16925212672 (50%)

Average CPU Usage: 31%

Peak CPU Usage: 100%

Used CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 217532

Total CPU Clocks (x10^6 cycles): 701716


Worker Information


Worker Name: Breadbin-PC

Version: v10.3.2.1 Release (1a66fe40f)

Operating System: Windows 10 Pro

Running As Service: No

Machine User: seb

IP Address:

MAC Address: 70:8B:CD:58:BD:22

CPU Architecture: x64

CPUs: 8

CPU Usage: 21%

Memory Usage: 15.8 GB / 31.9 GB (49%)

Free Disk Space: 1.168 TB (73.322 GB on C:, 1.096 TB on D:)

Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

Is Bifrost installed and configured? It’s version dependent with Arnold, there’s a compatibility matrix online somewhere, not sure if this is the issue but worth checking everything is the same (it will show in appwiz.cpl)

Bifrost is installed, configured and working on the render node. This morning I’ve now been able to submit a job from it and have it rendering on both of my PCs - even with the bifrost error popping up in the script editor still when opening a file (that contains no bifrost).

But, a new error has popped up on the other PC. If I try to submit a job from this PC I get the following error:

// Error: file: C:/Users/seb/AppData/Local/Thinkbox/Deadline10/cache/DGIiskKEw9pqAX6k7bXR8YYxMVo/submission/Maya/Main/SubmitMayaToDeadline.mel line 2768: Could not find deadline_submission module

But weirdly, the job does pop up in the monitor and start rendering without any errors. So, I think I’m all good now :crossed_fingers:, it’s just being a bit temperamental.

1 Like