I guess this is a simple thing but I can’t find the answer so here we go.
If I’m sending a single render (still image) to deadline for render. Is there a simple way to not get the trailing frame numbers? So that I get myFIleName.exr and not myFileName.0001.exr?
Hmm, I thought that if the render was a single frame, that we didn’t add in the frame padding. I’ll have to check on this and see how we can do this if we don’t already.
Can you clarify what you mean by “submitting from MAXScript”?
In the integrated 3ds Max to Deadline submitter (SMTD), under the Render tab > 3ds Max Pathing rollout, there is a checkbox called “Remove Filename Padding” which removes the padding digits when the Time mode of 3ds Max is “Single Frame”.
If you are submitting using the SMTDFunctions without using the SMTD UI, then the SMTDSettings.RemovePadding property must be set to True to achieve the same effect. This sets a property in the Plugin Info file (formerly known as JobInfoFile inside the SMTD code) called the same as the property (“RemovePadding”) to a value of 1.
So if you are building your own .JOB files in your script instead of using the SMTD functions and settings, you must provide the RemovePadding=1 key in the Plugin Info file (this is the same file containing the Version= key and value).
Note that if you set this property to 1 when 3ds Max is not in a single frame time mode, multiple tasks could end up writing over the same output. In the SMTD code, we check both the property and the time mode to avoid such problems:
format "RemovePadding=%\n" (if SMTDSettings.RemovePadding and rendTimeType == 1 then 1 else 0) to:JobInfoFile
So if you are writing your own JOB file using MAXScript, be sure to check the render setup dialog’s time mode before setting the key to 1.
The padding removal is a feature of the 3dsmax plugin in Deadline and might not be available in other supported applications.