I can't make Removepadding work

Hi there!

I am experiencing an strange behavior, and I feel there might be a something easy, but I can’t manage to find the solution. I am trying to get rid of the frame padding in the output filename (“0000”).

I tried to do it from the integrated 3ds Max to Deadline submitter (SMTD), Render tab > 3ds max pathing > Remove filename padding (checked).
Also from a customized submission script using the SMTDFunctions. I included “SMTDSettings.RemovePadding = true”. After sending the job I can see “RemovePadding=1” in the “Plugin Info Parameters”

In both cases I still have “filename.tile or region.0000.exr”

I also tried the solution proposed in this and this thread, with no succeed.

Any clue where I can continue?

We use tile rendering and jigsaw, Deadline, 3dsmax 2018.
Please let me know if there is any data I can share to help finding the solution.

Thank you in advance. (edited for spellchecking)

Just to add more info, in opposition to the Tilers render job, the Draftjob is searching for tiles which doesn’t have the padding, so it fails to stitch the images.


Have you had a look in the \deadline\submission\3dsmax\Main\SubmitMaxToDeadline_Defaults.ini?

It may have a setting that is overriding the padding option.

We have custom submission scripts, but I usually force it to take out the delimiter as well as remove padding.

SMTDSettings.RemovePadding = true
SMTDSettings.Delimiter = “”

You can add the delimiter options to the smtd defaults.ini with


The padding should already be listed with a false option, just change it to true.

See if that helps.

Thanks for the help squeakybadger!

I narrowed it down to be a V-Ray 5 issue. I noticed I didn’t specify on my post which software I was using, so it was hard to frame the problem, sorry for that.

When I forced the padding to be removed from Deadline in our render script, the draft job for assembling the tiles was searching for the files without padding. Looks like everything is Ok on the Dealine side. However, the output files still had the padding, so the draft job failed to find the files. The padding in V-Ray can be disable via maxscript (renderers.current.output_expandFrameNumber = false), but this property is apparently not working.
This issue can be reproduced without involving Deadline. I am in contact with V-Ray support, I’ll be back with the answer in case anyone else is experiencing this issue.

3dsMax 2018
V-Ray Next 5 (hotfix 2)

Padding problem|690x195

The V-Ray support service raised this issue to the developers. At least we know is a general issue.
This topic doesn’t involve Deadline anymore so I’ll continue it in Chaos groups forums.
Thanks guys!