i am on deadline and when executing this script i get plain html-text in the browser (the generated html is interpreted as plain text)…any hints?
from System import String
from System import DateTime
from System.IO import *
from System.Security import *
from System.Text import *
from Deadline.Scripting import *
import traceback
## Main Function Called By Deadline
def __main__( dlArgs, qsArgs ):
returnVal = ""
sb = StringBuilder()
# Get the args
egosort = qsArgs["ego"] if "ego" in qsArgs else None
primarysort = qsArgs["psort"] if "psort" in qsArgs else None
primarysortorder = qsArgs["psord"] if "psord" in qsArgs else None
secondarysort = qsArgs["ssort"] if "ssort" in qsArgs else None
secondarysortorder = qsArgs["ssord"] if "ssord" in qsArgs else None
pulseaddress = qsArgs["pulse"] if "pulse" in qsArgs else None
lastupdate = qsArgs["update"] if "update" in qsArgs else None
nonplist = qsArgs["plist"] if "plist" in qsArgs else None
# parse the last update
if ( lastupdate != None ):
lastupdate = fromPlatformIndDateTime( lastupdate )#BUG possibility when starting the app for the first time - unable to reproduce
# check if plist is wanted or not
plugins = {}
users = {}
statuses = {}
groups = {}
pools = {}
thisAddress = ClientUtils.GetMacAddress()
jobs = WebServiceUtils.GetJobs()
# do the sorts
if ( secondarysort != None ):
jobs = SortDictArrayByKey( jobs, secondarysort, secondarysortorder )
if ( primarysort != None ):
jobs = SortDictArrayByKey( jobs, primarysort, primarysortorder )
if ( egosort != None ):
jobs = EgoSortDictArray( jobs, egosort )
sb.AppendLine( "<HTML>" )
sb.AppendLine( "<TABLE>" )
# add each job
for job in jobs:
if ( job != None and job["Status"] != "Deleted"):
lastJobUpdate = DateTime.Parse( job["LastWriteTime"] )
lastJobUpdate = None
# if there was no update time given, or the update time is before this jobs last update
sb.AppendLine( "\t<TR>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>Name: " + SecurityElement.Escape( job["Name"] ) + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>Comment: " + SecurityElement.Escape( job["Comment"] ) + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>PluginName: " + job["PluginName"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>UserName: " + job["UserName"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>Status: " + job["Status"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>JobId: " + job["JobId"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>TaskCount: " + job["TaskCount"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>CompletedChunks: " + job["CompletedChunks"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>ErrorReports: " + job["ErrorReports"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>Group: " + job["Group"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<TD>Pool: " + job["Pool"] + "</TD>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t</TR>" )
# if the job is up to date, just print it's id to retrieve its data
# add the new update time
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<update>" + toPlatformIndDateTime( DateTime.Now ) + "</update>" )
sb.AppendLine( "</TABLE>" )
returnVal = sb.ToString()
return returnVal
def toPlatformIndDateTime( dt ):
day = dt.Day
month = dt.Month
year = dt.Year
second = dt.Second
minute = dt.Minute
hour = dt.Hour
return str(day) + "/" + str(month) + "/" + str(year) + "_" + str(hour) + ":" + str(minute) + ":" + str(second)
# accepts "day/month/year hour:min:sec"
def fromPlatformIndDateTime( dt ):
dt = str(dt)
(date, time) = dt.split( "_" )
(day, month, year) = date.split( "/" )
(hour, minute, second) = time.split( ":" )
return DateTime( int(year), int(month), int(day), int(hour), int(minute), int(second) )
def listKeys( title, dict, sb, useplist ):
if ( useplist == False ):
# print the dict
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<m" + title + "s>" )
# print the values
for key in dict:
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t\t<m" + title + ">" + key + "</m" + title + ">" )
# close the dict
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t</m" + title + "s>" )
# print the dict
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<key>" + title + "</key>" )
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t<dict>" )
# print the values
for key in dict:
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t\t<key>" + key + "</key><true />" )
# close the dict
sb.AppendLine( "\t\t</dict>" )
def EgoSortDictArray( array, user ):
userArray = []
otherArray = []
for i in range( 0, len(array) ):
if ( String.Compare( array[i]["UserName"], user, True ) == 0 ):
userArray.append( array[i] )
otherArray.append( array[i] )
for i in range( 0, len(otherArray) ):
userArray.append( otherArray[i] )
return userArray
def SortDictArrayByKey( array, key, order ):
arrayList = []
for item in array:
return mergesort( arrayList, key, order )
def mergesort( list, key, order ):
# base case
if ( len( list ) <= 1 ):
return list
# get left and right list
left = list[:len(list)/2]
right = list[len(list)/2:len(list)]
# recursively sort the list
left = mergesort( left, key, order )
right = mergesort( right, key, order )
# merge the lists into ret
return merge( left, right, key, order )
def merge( left, right, key, order ):
# init return list
ret = []
# init position in left and right lists
leftPos = 0
rightPos = 0
# get the length of the two lists
lenLeft = len( left )
lenRight = len( right )
# merge the lists
if ( order == None or order == "0" ):
while ( leftPos < lenLeft and rightPos < lenRight ):
if ( String.Compare( key, "SubmitDateTime", True ) != 0 ):
# Normal String Compare
if ( left[leftPos] == None ):
leftPos += 1
elif ( right[rightPos] == None ):
rightPos += 1
elif ( String.Compare( left[leftPos][key], right[rightPos][key], True ) <= 0 ):
ret.append( left[leftPos] )
leftPos += 1
ret.append( right[rightPos] )
rightPos += 1
# Compare Dates
if ( left[leftPos] == None ):
leftPos += 1
elif ( right[rightPos] == None ):
rightPos += 1
if ( DateTime.Compare( DateTime.Parse( left[leftPos][key] ), DateTime.Parse( right[rightPos][key] ) ) >= 0 ):
ret.append( left[leftPos] )
leftPos += 1
ret.append( right[rightPos] )
rightPos += 1
leftPos += 1
while ( leftPos < lenLeft and rightPos < lenRight ):
if ( String.Compare( key, "SubmitDateTime", True ) != 0 ):
# Normal String Compare
if ( left[leftPos] == None ):
leftPos += 1
elif ( right[rightPos] == None ):
rightPos += 1
elif ( String.Compare( left[leftPos][key], right[rightPos][key], True ) >= 0 ):
ret.append( left[leftPos] )
leftPos += 1
ret.append( right[rightPos] )
rightPos += 1
# Compare Dates
if ( left[leftPos] == None ):
leftPos += 1
elif ( right[rightPos] == None ):
rightPos += 1
if ( DateTime.Compare( DateTime.Parse( left[leftPos][key] ), DateTime.Parse( right[rightPos][key] ) ) <= 0 ):
ret.append( left[leftPos] )
leftPos += 1
ret.append( right[rightPos] )
rightPos += 1
leftPos += 1
# extend ret with the remaining list
if ( leftPos < lenLeft ):
while ( leftPos < lenLeft ):
if ( left[leftPos] == None ):
leftPos += 1
ret.append( left[leftPos] )
leftPos += 1
while ( rightPos < lenRight ):
if ( right[rightPos] == None ):
rightPos += 1
ret.append( right[rightPos] )
rightPos += 1
return ret
how it looks in browser:
<TD>Name: OpenCue_003 - layer1 - CAM</TD>
<TD>Comment: </TD>
<TD>PluginName: MayaBatch</TD>
<TD>UserName: willi</TD>
<TD>Status: Completed</TD>
<TD>JobId: 63c7cea27643c50c7e0674da</TD>
<TD>TaskCount: 17</TD>
<TD>CompletedChunks: 17</TD>
<TD>ErrorReports: 0</TD>
<TD>Group: none</TD>
<TD>Pool: none</TD>
<TD>Name: OpenCue_003 - layer1 - CAM</TD>
<TD>Comment: </TD>
<TD>PluginName: MayaBatch</TD>
<TD>UserName: willi</TD>
<TD>Status: Completed</TD>
<TD>JobId: 63c7d7d5020cc1e38b4bb225</TD>
<TD>TaskCount: 17</TD>
<TD>CompletedChunks: 17</TD>
<TD>ErrorReports: 0</TD>
<TD>Group: none</TD>
<TD>Pool: none</TD>
<TD>Name: OpenCue_003 - layer1 - CAM</TD>
<TD>Comment: </TD>
<TD>PluginName: MayaBatch</TD>
<TD>UserName: willi</TD>
<TD>Status: Completed</TD>
<TD>JobId: 63c7fb872939215a78e4b5c1</TD>
<TD>TaskCount: 17</TD>
<TD>CompletedChunks: 17</TD>
<TD>ErrorReports: 0</TD>
<TD>Group: none</TD>
<TD>Pool: none</TD>