was working with two windows machines, Somehow this error popped up. It used to work fine.
I tried ping port 27000 but no reply.
I also tried mongod.exe it seems stuck on “waiting for the connection to port 27017”
No attachment? Have you followed along on these adventures?:
Thank you so much for you information. It’s something like this. I did search on forum but didn’t find anything helpful. Firewall have been all closed.
So, here’s the secret sauce I wrote up internally on how Deadline connects to its database:
The workflow for the client applications (Slave, Launcher, Monitor, etc) to connect to the database is the following:
- Read in their local global “deadline.ini” file
- Read the “NetworkRoot” entry to find the path the Repository
- Read in the Repository’s “settings\connection.ini” file
- Look up the IP addresses for the hostnames listed on the “Hostname” entry, as well as the port.
- Attempt to connect to the IP address discovered.
- Attempt to read in their client certficate optionally found in the “NetworkRoot” folder
- Perform the SSL handshake using the client password (Unsure where this is stored)
- The session for MongoDB should now be open.
We most often see failures at steps 4, 5, 6, and 7.
Looking at your port number, it looks like you specified a license server port of 27000 instead of Deadline’s usual 27100 when you set it up. Check out that “connection.ini” file in “[repo]\settings” and modify that port number. If you actually did install the Database to that port, you might hit conflicts if you’re using Autodesk licenses as their license server defaults to that port.
You can check which port the database is using by looking at “C:\DeadlineDatabase10\mongo\data\config.conf”. Looks like this:
# Port MongoDB will listen on for incoming connections
port: 27100 # <- Change that number there and reboot the DB machine
ipv6: true